Tips for reducing your home’s energy bill series: Part 2

As well as reducing your energy bills through improved insulation following use of exterior wall coatings there are lots of additional ways to make further reductions. In the second blog in our ‘Tips for reducing your home’s energy bill” series we look at ways to reduce how much money you spend on your electricity bill.

Electricity savings tips

Make sure you don’t waste electricity

Don’t let items sit on standby.Even when an appliance is on standby, it still consumes a small amount of electricity. You can prevent this by turning off items at the plug and connecting them to a multisocket or power strip.
Using timers and smart plugs is a popular way to switch off electrical items when you’re not using them.
Invest in LED light bulbs
You can save money and reduce electricity consumption by using LED light bulbs.
The savings are actually quite noticeable compared to their halogen counterparts. According to the Energy Saving Trust, swapping a 60-watt halogen bulb for an LED can save you £6 per bulb per year; a 100-watt bulb can save you £13. In a 10-room house, that would equal £130 per year; a remarkable saving.
Replace your old appliances with new ones
Washing machines, dishwashers, and televisions are all rated for their energy efficiency. Purchasers of new appliances can find this information online and in stores.
If your existing appliance needs to be upgraded or isn’t working well, replace it with one with a lower efficiency rating since they will use less energy. In spite of the high upfront cost, you could save on considerable amounts of your future bills.
Utilize appliances efficiently
Reduce the length of your showers
Although short showers are more energy-efficient than long baths, they still consume a fair amount of energy. By reducing a 10-minute shower to eight minutes, you can save up to £43 per year (per person).
Set the washing machine to a lower temperature
Using the washing machine on a cold setting helps save energy because heating the water to higher temperatures consumes large amounts of electricity.
Make sure the kettle is not overfilled
Every day, people waste electricity by overfilling the kettle.
The kettle should only be filled with water you need for your drink or whatever else you are using it for. Any more is simply more work for the kettle, and the more work it has to do, the more energy it consumes.

Appliance maintenance
Regularly service your electrical appliances
Regularly servicing your electric appliances will ensure they are functioning correctly and efficiently. An appliance that is well-maintained will consume less energy than one that is not.
Any problems with your appliances can be identified and repaired or adjusted by a qualified electrician. The result will be less energy consumption and a longer lifespan for them.
Ensure that your electrical appliances are clean
You can lower your energy bills by cleaning your electrical appliances.
For example, cleaning the coils located on the back of the fridge helps it run more efficiently and keeps it from working harder than necessary to keep food cold.
It is also a good idea to defrost the freezer. A freezer that accumulates ice has to work harder to maintain its temperature, consuming more energy.
Cleaning out your oven is another way to reduce your energy consumption. It ensures that heat circulates properly and that the oven does not have to work harder than it needs to.
Be mindful of your energy consumption
Smart meters
By using smart meters, you can see exactly how much energy you use and when, allowing you to make energy consumption changes like turning off lights when you leave a room or turning off items at the plug instead of leaving them on standby. Also, you can see how your energy use changes over time, so you know whether the changes are making a difference.
Contact your energy supplier about installing a smart meter as you may be able to request one from them for free.

Smart plugs

With a smart plug socket, devices can communicate with the outlet to determine if they are being used. When a device is plugged into a smart outlet, the outlet can automatically switch to energy-saving mode when the device is off. For example, if a lamp is plugged into a smart outlet, the outlet can automatically shut off the lamp when the lamp is off.

Home energy monitors

The use of home energy monitors is similar to that of smart meters, allowing you to gain insight into your home’s energy usage and adjust your energy-usage habits, such as turning off appliances when not in use or using energy during off-peak hours. Instead of just giving you an overview of your overall daily energy consumption, these specialised energy monitors can also help identify areas and specific appliances that are consuming the most energy.
Save money on your energy bills

Just a few of these changes will reduce your electricity bills, particularly during the winter months.